Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέας "Astyrakakis, Nikolaos"
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Τεκμήριο A cloud based key rolling technique for mitigating the man-in-the-middle attacks in LoRaWAN infrastructures(ΕΛΜΕΠΑ, Σχολή Μηχανικών (ΣΜΗΧ), ΠΜΣ Μηχανικών Πληροφορικής, 2025-02-21) Astyrakakis, Nikolaos; Αστυρακάκης, Νικόλαος; Pallis, Evangelos; Πάλλης, ΕυάγγελοςRecently, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged to a trending technology. IoT devices may capture, analyse, and process data before transferring it to application servers or sharing it through wired or wireless networks, across great distances. The LoRaWAN network is well-suited for such situations because it employs Low Power (LP) and Long Range (LoRa) protocols that reduce device energy consumption while maximising communication range. Before data transmission, all IoT devices on a LoRaWAN network must authenticate through a gateway to the backhaul, following an initial Join Procedure based on the submission of a Join Request. A Join Request includes two identifiers (AppEUI, DevEUI), a random value (DevNonce), a Media Access Control (MHDR) header, and a Message Integrity Code (MIC). The MIC value is the encryption result of either one of the aforementioned values or all of them together with an AppKey that is also stored in the backhaul for device authentication upon Join Request retrieval. Malicious actors acting as Man-In-the-Middle (MITM) can interfere in the channel and reverse engineer the AppKey; thereby, they may initiate a Join Request, which is misinterpreted as coming from a legitimate device, and eventually join the communication channel. This thesis presents a prototype technique that allows IoT devices to re-authenticate before every message exchange session, by constantly regenerating the AppKey. The suggested method uses a similar key rolling technique as the one used in automobile central locking systems, enhances the network's resistance against MITM attacks, and is developed as an optimized and scalable microservice for various LoRaWAN installations and versions.