Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέας "Gkolemis, Alexandros"
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Τεκμήριο Λέξεις Κλειδιά(2016-03-15) Γκολέμης, Αλέξανδρος; Gkolemis, AlexandrosΤεκμήριο Μετρήσεις ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας ασύρματων τοπικών δικτύων Wi-Fi στα 2,4 GHz.(Τ.Ε.Ι. Κρήτης, Σχολή Τεχνολογικών Εφαρμογών (Σ.Τ.Εφ), ΠΜΣ Πληροφορική και Πολυμέσα, 2015-12-04T12:34:04Z) Γκολέμης, Αλέξανδρος; Gkolemis, AlexandrosThe present thesis deals with the exposure to electromagnetic fields and the determination of a measurement procedure in order to collect evaluate and compare the instruments data. Moreover, the evaluation of the exposure is based on the results of multiple narrowband measurements. There are also implemented methods of calculation of the sum of the exposure quotients, which is a metric for the characterization of the exposure according to the adopted Reference Levels. The proposed methods are applied in measurements with, bipolar antenna ensuring the isotropic measurement using Add3d methodology. In all the stages of the used methodology, the automation in taking the measurements, data analysis and evaluation of the results plays a significant role in the simplification of various processes and in the elimination of human faults. For this reason, it was developed MATLAB software that automates the measurement procedure by controlling the instruments remotely and implements the data analysis. In appendix 2 are mentioned some of the main procedure of the software coding.Τεκμήριο Οδηγίες Υποβολής Τεκμηρίου(2016-03-15) Γκολέμης, Αλέξανδρος; Gkolemis, AlexandrosΤεκμήριο Οδηγίες Χρήσης Apothesis(2016-03-15) Γκολέμης, Αλέξανδρος; Gkolemis, Alexandros