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Τεκμήριο Control of CAN-bus time-trigger messages for adaptive networking.(ΕΛ.ΜΕ.ΠΑ., ΣΧΟΛΗ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ (ΣΜΗΧ), Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, 2021-07-20) Varsamis, Vyron; Βαρσάμης, ΒύρωνController Area Network(CAN-bus) created and mostly is used in automobile sys- tem such as cars, however his use expand in trams,light railways,operating room at hospitals many others including outer space applications. The reason of this is the low cost, the credibility of not losing messages and flexibility from several dif- ferent physical layers. Every one of them has their complexity and different usage. The diversity varies from application to application , however the time integrity is always important. Taking advantage of this application, will adapt the frequency to the maximum beneficial output for time trigger message systems, instead of using a fixed data rate that will waste the optimal results. Controller Area Network(CAN- bus) is a system that include nodes who communicate with each other, whenever the bus is free the compete with each other to send their messages to accomplice their tasks. In some applications with specific requirements the bus can be idle with nodes not sending messages wasting time. We produce a application that adapt measuring the optimal frequency of sending messages while maintains the message integrity by calculating with worst case scenario of our system. The research was based in trial and error, repeatedly testing same frequencies to ob- serve their differences. Would the results of the same frequency will change in a practical test or would be the exact same. Our observation conclude with some interesting results. The variety of the results could differ in different systems that could be applied, but adjusting our application in wider systems maximizing their potential by minimizing their reaction time and preserve the message integrity could upgrade existing or future systems.